Saturday, November 6, 2010

me and gloria

in the back country I used to walk . or sometimes I would take my bicycle-if it was increment weather with the snow and ice or if I was tired or just lazy ass I would take the public transit and we would be squished together like an international soup tasting a little like srilanka in one seat and greek in another and maybe a little algerian standing up

here in the frontier land I need the machine and I have three beasts but this gloria is my favourite she makes me warm and comfortable and safe- sometime I will know the ways of the people and learn how to hunt and fish- I have my own rifle from my daddy and will use it on birds and squirrel- here there are not so many people- here it is the land- the rivers and cliffs and the bear and the mountain goat- here it is the grouse and quail and osprey- here is me and gloria.

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